Flagstaff Cleaning Company
Beautiful, Entire, and Clean.
- Professional cleaning services in Flagstaff, for your home or business. We specialize in vacation rental cleaning, commercial cleaning, and residential homes. Schedule a quote online or call with any questions.

Looking for residential cleaning services?
We offer professional, residential house cleaning services, to help you when needed. Once we have your details, a walk through is scheduled and we will meet you at your home to discuss what services you are interested in. Every home is unique, each client has different needs, and we have found that an initial walk through is essential to understanding what would make a good fit. We understand that hiring a housekeeper is an investment in your home and time, so we do our best to offer competitive house cleaning prices.

Looking to hire cleaning services for your vacation rental?
First impressions go a long way, and guests notice the cleanliness of your vacation rental immediately. Partnering with a professional cleaning service helps ensure that your guests will enjoy their stay. Whether you are local or live out of town, we will help inform you when your supplies are running low, or if there are any noticable damages. We will assist you with linking your bookings to our scheduling system, ensuring that a cleaning is never missed. Further, if you are a new owner, you are welcome to check out our Additional Resources page where we have listed common concerns. At Flagstaff Cleaning Company you will find a relaible cleaning partner for your vacation rental.

In need of move out or deep cleaning services?
Our cleaning crew can help make the transition easier for you, whether you're moving out of your existing home or into a new home. If you are a tenant please provide us with a move out cleaning checklist from your leasing office or landlord so that we can make sure to address what is needed for you to complete the move out. We do request that you attempt to book in advance so that we can make every effort to conduct a walk through, as well as provide you with an quote. You can schedule online, text, call, or email to schedule a quote.